Cesar Santander - Recent Paintings

3 March - 29 April 2023

Press Release:

Anthony Brunelli Fine Arts is pleased to present our first in-person exhibition of 2023 with renowned Spanish-American painter, Cesar Santander. This exhibition chronicles Santander’s latest paintings including a cohesive look at his most recent series titled, Combination Paintings. This series displays a trompe l’oeil painting approach using the subject of torn collage combinations from two famous works from Art History which Santander arranges (with en emphasis on Pop and Modern Art). The juxtaposing torn pieces create a highly original and unified composition. Other works in this exhibition include hyperrealist super heroes, nostalgic tin toys and his highly detailed paintings of boxed crayon paintings which he has become known for. Santander is an internationally recognized painter whose work has been included in many important exhibitions since the 1970’s through today. His work resides in many public, private and corporate collections around the world.