
Joseph q. daily

florals and still lifes

4 March - 1 April 2016

Opening Reception: Friday, March 4th | 6-9 PM

Closing Reception: Friday, April 1st | 6-9 PM

About the exhibition:

Anthony Brunelli Fine Arts is pleased to present our second solo exhibition with Joseph Daily.  This exhibition includes all new works focusing on the artist's recent explorations of floral and still life compositions.  Please join us at the opening and closing receptions for the artist.  

Artist Statement:

For the past twelve years, I have earned my living painting portraits on commission. Though I love painting people, my portrait practice demands long hours in the studio, isolated from the natural world, using photography as my primary reference. What a breath of fresh air, then, to step outside into a garden in full bloom!

This show collects a year’s worth of seasonal explorations and reflections; as a bouquet in deep winter awakened the longing for spring; as the earth thawed to allow waves of flowers to burst into bloom; as lilies and roses adorned the Hall; as an abundance of vegetables ripened for harvest; as white roses closed the cycle of the old year; and as red roses rang in the new.

Nature’s gifts have been an ever-present inspiration and cause for gratitude, and I hope that these paintings may also awaken such perceptions in the viewer. While preparing them for exhibition, I was reminded of a passage from my favorite book:

“There is no getting round the Laws of Nature, no man can defy them. God is the Power that activates the Natural Laws; the Power that nobody has yet grasped or seen, but whose effects every one, daily, hourly, indeed in every fraction of a second, must see, intuitively sense and observe, if only he wants to do so – in himself, in every animal, every tree, every flower, in every fibre of a leaf swelling and bursting its sheath to come to the light.”

– Abd-ru-shin, In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message


opening night