
robert fundis

from leipzig to new york :

recent works

2 August - 31 August 2013

Artist Reception: August 2nd | 6-9pm

About the exhibition:

Robert Fundis produces figurative works that explores the psychological and existential questions dealing with the human condition. His works, while often dynamic in scale, are silent domains filled with multiple paradoxes- contemplation, introspection, solitude and stillness versus relationships, confrontation, and the interaction of multiple-frame movements and progressions where the figure moves within a single space over time.

His work and process are very much connected to materiality. Fundis is adept at working with a variety of materials and substrates. Previously, Robert was a carpenter and builder who was a skilled perfectionist in the dry wall industry. As a natural extension and progression from his trade, joint compound became a surface that Robert experimented with as a drawing surface. This highly innovative approach is a nod to 16th century Italian frescos, where Robert impregnates a sanded, striated surface of joint compound on panel with charcoal, graphite, ink, rust and extracts images by sanding and scratching away at the surface with various tools in a subtractive method. Most recently, Fundis is experimenting with this technique using encaustic wax, and shellac. Robert also approaches oil painting classically with contemporary subject matter.


installation shots