Paintings by JOSEPH Q. DAILY


7 August 2020 - 4 September 2020

About the Exhibition:

Anthony Brunelli Fine Arts is pleased to announce its latest online exhibition, Joseph Q Daily - Impressions of Nature. With Impressions of Nature, Daily takes us through sweeping landscapes, considers the contrast between man-made and natural forms, and explores nature-based still life.

Artist Statement:

For the past twelve years, I have earned my living painting portraits on commission. Though I love painting people, my portrait practice demands long hours in the studio, isolated from the natural world, using photography as my primary reference. What a breath of fresh air, then, to step outside into a garden in full bloom!

This show collects a year’s worth of seasonal explorations and reflections; as a bouquet in deep winter awakened the longing for spring; as the earth thawed to allow waves of flowers to burst into bloom; as lilies and roses adorned the Hall; as an abundance of vegetables ripened for harvest; as white roses closed the cycle of the old year; and as red roses rang in the new.

Nature’s gifts have been an ever-present inspiration and cause for gratitude, and I hope that these paintings may also awaken such perceptions in the viewer. While preparing them for exhibition, I was reminded of a passage from my favorite book:

“There is no getting round the Laws of Nature, no man can defy them. God is the Power that activates the Natural Laws; the Power that nobody has yet grasped or seen, but whose effects every one, daily, hourly, indeed in every fraction of a second, must see, intuitively sense and observe, if only he wants to do so – in himself, in every animal, every tree, every flower, in every fibre of a leaf swelling and bursting its sheath to come to the light.”

– Abd-ru-shin, In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message



We are now open by appointment only.

Please call +1 607 772 0485

Or email info@anthonybrunelli to schedule your visit.


OCT 2020 | Roadside Attraction: Paintings by Stephanie Schechter