
Gordon lee

New Icons

6 April - 27 April 2012

Opening Reception: Friday, 6 April 2012 | 6 - 9 PM

About the exhibition:

We are pleased to present our second solo show with artist, Gordon Lee.  This new body of work deals with the iconography of objects.  Celebrating the banal and kitsch, Lee's objects are infused with humor, wit and nostalgia.  Their position in minimally constructed environments adds reverence to their individual design.

Gordon Lee was born in the British colony of Hong Kong.  After finishing high school in 1973, he attended college on scholarship in Canada.  During his second year of studies, his major changed from urban planning to fine arts after taking his first art history class.  Lee decided to make his impact as a visual artist instead of becoming an architect or city planner.  His work often deals with the connection to the found objects, cultural references and textures of the urban landscape. 

After graduating from Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec in 1978, he went on to Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan to pursue his Master's Degree in Painting.  Before returning to Hong Kong in 1982, he taught at the Columbus College of Art and Design, in Columbus OH.  While in Hong Kong, Lee became a lecturer at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University teaching drawing and printmaking.  At the urges of Joseph Canzani, president of Columbus College of Art and Design, he moved back to the States with his wife, Johanna and resumed teaching at CCAD where his is now a full-time professor and former chair of CCAD's division of Fine Arts. Gordon Lee's work has been exhibited in Asia, Europe and North America.


Exhibition Shots