

Sand and Snow

5 February - 27 February 2016

Opening Reception: Friday, February 5th   |  6-9 PM

Artist's Talk / Discussion / Closing Reception:  
Saturday, February 27th  |  4-6pm (open to the public - all are welcome)

About the exhibition:

Anthony Brunelli Fine Arts is pleased to present this exhibition with Natalija Mijatovic.  Please join us at the opening reception, the artist's talk, and throughout the month of February during our viewing hours.

Artist Statement:

“Internally, I dwell in uninhabited residual landscapes of urban decay and gray facades of soc-realist architecture of Eastern Europe. I remember my previous life as a wintery silence of an empty city, ashes of the burnt home, and snow. General theme of my work is industrial landscape, my recurrent interest in manmade structures and objects defined by the quiet void of human presence. My approach is an amalgam of extracting visual shapes from their logical setting (electric power plants, wiring systems, factory interiors) taken out of the context, yet realistically rendered; and juxtaposing them against flat or sub-spatial backgrounds. The underlying grid system references industrial spaces with a rich history of human activity, alluded to through architectural forms. Multilayered veils of thin glazed surfaces reduce industrial structures to a residual patina that recalls space and time. This creates the idea of traces of human presence felt in the residue of the space’s emptiness. These traces are revealed in the subtle implications of representational imagery like wire, electrical equipment, and wooden beams, and yet they are abstracted so that their presence borders on the surreal. Subtle linear system ties my entire oeuvre together: the structure remains intact beneath the curtain that the viewer navigates, recalling their own experiences and nostalgic inference associated with these now unoccupied industrial spaces and landscapes.”

opening night