
teknari | whatever comes

1 March - 31 May 2013

Artist Reception: March 1st | 6-9pm

About the exhibition: 

We invite you to join us for this exhibition by Teknari who has produced a series of large-scale, hand-made photographs on 3/8" glass plate. Each print is unique and one of a kind encased in custom welded steel frames and back-lit via an LED light panel combining a truly innovative presence with interesting juxtapositions and combinations of materiality, technology and process.

Teknari, a flâneur who walks the main boulevards of international cities such as New York, Berlin, Miami, Paris, Prague, Barcelona by day and combs the lesser known streets and alleys by night - always armed with a camera and a stash of of homemade film mining the city for subjects.

Equally present in his work is the photographer's relationship to the darkroom, where months of trial & error, innovation, chance, defeat, accident and discovery all coalesce towards outcome.

Opening Night